The 39 Clues was a globally successful multimedia action-adventure series, with a planned screen adaptation that never came to fruition. Under the guidance of Eric Homan, former development executive at Frederator Studios, a pitch bible was constructed for Dreamworks' consideration. This was accompanied by an animated overview in a similar vein to the various book trailers created by prolific animators for CBC's annual Canada Reads competition. The creative decisions for defining the appropriate visuals in those trailers were based both on what best exemplified the aesthetic qualities of the story, and the relevant strengths of the commissioned animator. In this case, a mathematics-based vector style lends itself well to The 39 Clues, a series that plays heavily into themes of the digital world: surveillance, data, encryption. This trailer is framed as a "top priority" archive recording describing the narrative from an in-universe perspective, that those viewing it have been given access to; the "dossier" style of the pitch bible was deliberately designed to supplement it.